For the media

  Media Contact: Tracy Marc, Fermilab Office of Communication,, 630-840-3351 Links: Animation: The science of DUNE (4 minutes) High-definition version available upon request. Animation: Small Particles, Big Science: The International LBNF/DUNE Project (2 minutes) High-definition version available upon request. LBNF/DUNE Brochure, available in English, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish LBNF/DUNE fact sheet LBNF/DUNE economic benefits to Illinois… Read more »

DUNE Digital Data Management Plan

The data to be collected by the DUNE experiment will be unique and will be the result of a large, long-term investment of effort, and financial and material resources. As a principal funding agency and stakeholder of this experiment, the Department of Energy requires that an effective data management plan be put into place to… Read more »

Neutrino Detectors

The DUNE collaboration will build enormous neutrino detectors. The DUNE near detector, will live 60 meters (200 feet) underground at the experiment’s near site, Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois. This detector allows scientists not only to examine the composition of the neutrino beam just after its creation but also to search for new particles and subatomic… Read more »

Why neutrinos?

At all things neutrino you will find the latest scientific thinking about several important open questions and experimental results that point towards possible answers … Are neutrinos the reason matter exists? What objects out in space are making the most energetic neutrinos ever seen? How much do neutrinos weigh? Which neutrino is the lightest? We… Read more »

About the Collaboration

The DUNE Science Collaboration is currently made up of over 1400 collaborators from over 200 institutions in over 30 countries plus CERN. The collaboration works closely with the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility to ensure the coordinated development of facilities and detectors for the DUNE physics program.   DUNE is led by two co-spokespersons, Mary Bishai,… Read more »


An International Experiment for Neutrino Science The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a leading-edge, international experiment for neutrino science. Discoveries over the past half-century have put neutrinos, the most abundant matter particles in the universe, in the spotlight for further research into several fundamental questions about the nature of matter and the evolution of… Read more »