University of Bern, Switzerland
I have been a neutrino physicist for about 30 years, and I’m also proud to be one of the founders of DUNE. I was a member of the Interim International Board in 2014, with 20-ish people, and we set up the base of the experiment. It feels a little bit like my child. This work, as you know, is really pervasive. You never switch off. Saying I don’t work on science, it’s impossible. We are thinking about it – even when we take a shower. DUNE will last decades, but I am used to that: I was one of the guys who proposed the OPERA neutrino experiment, and from the first idea to the end it took 15 years, a large part of my life. It was the most challenging scientific enterprise I had been a part of. To some extent, DUNE is much more relaxed for me, because I’m one of thousands colleagues working on it.