University of South Carolina, United States
I did my undergraduate studies at the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka. It has been a long journey to fulfill my dream to become a particle physicist. The reason I chose particle physics is because it helps us understand the fundamental laws and symmetries – those governed by mother nature. If someone knows the fundamental laws of physics, then it opens portals to understand almost anything. Physics is the queen of all the sciences, and particle physics is the pearl in her necklace. I feel very lucky to work at Fermilab and contribute to cutting-edge neutrino experiments like DUNE. The beauty of DUNE is its diversity. Over 1,000 collaborators from 175 institutions in 32 countries work closely to achieve common scientific goals. It’s not just one country; it’s everyone. I really appreciate that. My dream is to become a postdoc when the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility starts DUNE.