York University, Canada, and Fermilab, United States
I’m building up a group of Canadian researchers to participate in the DUNE adventure. Canada is very good in large-scale computing, detector development, and advanced analysis techniques. I continue my work on the ATLAS experiment at the LHC and want to bridge the collider and neutrino communities: they have lots in common! How did I become a physicist? During high school, I had too many questions for my teachers and was bothered not to find proper answers. I was sent to a science camp, and I realized that people were on my case about being curious. Had it not been for that, I could have missed the fact that I was simply passionate. After that, I became fascinated by particle detectors. Initially trained as an engineer, I switched to fundamental science after I asked myself, ‘What are we doing with the data?’ Now I’m an experimental physicist for both neutrino and collider endeavors and super excited about this!