CERN, Switzerland
I did my PhD on T2K, and my first postdoc position was on applied physics using high-pressure noble gas detectors to detect illicit nuclear material in ports and airports. We built a van-mounted prototype that we tested in four different locations in Europe, so I had to drive a van hundreds of kilometers around Europe. That was different from the typical physics project! Nowadays I spend most of my free time with my 2-year-old daughter. If I find any extra time, I like playing or watching soccer, or playing chess. I’m from Cyprus originally, and we try to go fishing there for a couple of weeks every summer. I’m co-convener of the Data Reconstruction and Analysis Working Group in ProtoDUNE, which means a lot of organizing and talking to people about what they are interested in as far as analysis and physics measurements. I’m also involved in developing the software and helping with the analysis. We’re working toward the publication of the first physics paper for ProtoDUNE, and that’s very exciting.