South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, United States
I have always wanted to be a physicist, and I finally got the opportunity late in life. I went into the Navy after high school, I went to school for music (and didn’t finish the degree), and I’ve done a series of machining jobs, which prepared me for the work I am doing now. My degrees are in computer science and electrical engineering, and when I was finishing up my masters, the physics Ph.D. program opened up at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and it was like fate. My area of study will be the calibration source for the DUNE far detector. I still play guitar and paint, but as enjoyable as those things might be, I can’t depend on them. My favorite thing about working on DUNE is the people I meet from all over the world. If I had a choice between coming to Fermilab and going to Disneyland, I’d pick Fermilab every time.