Fermilab, United States
I like hiking. When I lived in Shanghai, I joined this hiking group that would go away every weekend and climb mountains. One weekend we went out and slept on a beach on an island. I actually slept on the beach, because the Chinese tent was too small, and I couldn’t fit in it. It’s been two years since I moved to the Midwest, and I’ve pretty much hit most of the forest preserves around Fermilab. I never thought I’d picture myself in the Midwest – it’s very flat out here, and I’m used to mountains, but it’s been interesting. When working on the DUNE project first came up, I thought it would be a really good challenge. The construction of the project is quite complicated – the detector will be a mile underground. I’ve been working with the collaborations and the consortia to help them develop their fabrication plans, their inspection plans, and their test plans for ProtoDUNE. We went to the different labs where they’re doing the fabrication and did a production readiness review. Seeing it all come together, and then going to CERN and seeing things actually go into the prototype detector and how well it has been operating – that’s probably one of the most exciting things that’s happened in the two years I’ve been here.