STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom
People tell me I’m a Renaissance man. I like horseback riding. I like working out. I do a bit of fencing. I like to cook things that I can’t find, like a custard pie that any corner bakery in Greece would have but you can’t find in the UK. I’m a firmware engineer, which means I write code that goes into an FPGA and will handle the data acquisition for the DUNE detector. I remember when I was about 8, I had a mini-box version of an arcade game with a small lever and a couple of buttons. At some point, I opened it up and there was just a small circuit. It was frustrating, because I couldn’t understand what was happening there. I knew all these little parts connected together, but I didn’t know how – and if I started pulling things apart, I didn’t know if I would be able to put it back together. And I liked it.