University of Campinas, Brazil
As a kid, I enjoyed riding my bicycle, mapping the trees and exploring the animals and plants I could find in my garden. I even started to plan a project to build a laboratory attached to my room, with the door hidden in my closet, so I could keep my samples and my notes safe. I also used to watch a science show called ‘Beakman’s World.’ I would get up early and get my notebook to take notes, and study specific topics after. It showed me that physics could help me get the answers I was looking for. The ‘just because’ answer was never enough for me – I’m curious how things work. I am fascinated how very complex experiments like DUNE can be disassembled into expertises in order to achieve a big goal. I work in a lab in Brazil, where, we are testing different materials and techniques for ARAPUCA, a light detection system for DUNE.