University of Cincinnati, United States
I’ve worked in many different areas of the DUNE experiment, including the 35-ton prototype, far detector event reconstruction, and most recently on a search for a very rare type of neutrino interaction at the near detector called tridents. I was one of the first people to get their Ph.D. on DUNE research. I love the huge scale of the experiment; if you take a step back, it’s a bit mad, but the physics potential is extremely exciting. My best story from working on DUNE was absolutely the time I was traveling from the UK for a meeting; I got stuck in Texas and, with no flights to Rapid City, South Dakota, for another two days, I flew to Minneapolis and was picked up by six people who were road-tripping from Fermilab near Chicago. It was a slight detour for them, but we had an awesome road trip together toward the Black Hills! When not doing physics, I love watching and playing sports and finding good beer and pubs.