Argonne National Laboratory, United States
With our improved knowledge of how neutrinos behave, it is now possible to plan on using neutrinos as a tool to help understand why the universe is built from matter rather than antimatter. This is tied to the question of neutrino CP violation. I’ve been heavily involved with the development of ProtoDUNE at CERN and with its data analysis to show that DUNE will work smoothly. My research plan is to dedicate myself to the searches for physics beyond the Standard Model already in place at Argonne, where I currently work, and elsewhere. There is also the question of whether the neutrino is its own antiparticle. In the future my research could extend into tests of the nature of neutrinos. Maybe I’ll do something else in the future, like science policy or teaching. But I’m still excited about these measurements in neutrino science. For now I don’t want to do anything else.